Trade Account Registration

Please complete all the required * fields to register your Trade Account with Kapre Ltd.

Once your account has been approved you will receive an email to confirm your account activation and only then you can place orders.

Account Login Credentials

Make password strong and secure by using at least 6 characters or more and use 1 or more uppercase letters. You can only login to our website once your Trade Account has been approved.

  1. Please enter the name
  2. Please enter a password
  3. Retype the password
  4. Business Billing Information

  5. Please enter the company name
  6. Please provide contact number
  7. Please enter the company address
  8. Please enter the City name
  9. Please enter the Postcode/Zip Code
  10. Please enter your Region/State or Province
  11. Please enter your country


Welcome to our new website

Register your new trade account and receive
  • 10% off
  • your first order

Register Now